
Founded 2013 by Kali Robinson, Zeina Amhaz, and Grant Baker

Mission statement and Constitution:

The Amherst College Hip-Hop Club is committed to the broadening of borders. We strive towards a thoughtful understanding of hip-hop culture, especially its music, and strive, also to share hip-hop to a wider range of people.

We will create a hip hop medium at Amherst College in which artists of all ranges may collaborate, a hip-hop medium through which students may broaden and explore their hip-hop culture; we say their hip-hop culture because we understand that hip hop is personal and individual to everyone. We are committed to graffiti, disk jockeying, MCing and all hip hop music, b-boying, popping, krumping and all hip dances, and the hip hop knowledge canon.

The HHC firmly believes that it should be a catalyst of recreational interactions. This includes support of sports teams, support of social spaces, support of creative ideas for recreation, and the promotion of “other” social spaces, meaning those spaces for marginalized groups in the Five College area.

The HHC also firmly believes the sharing of expressions of the beauty and art within all people is critical to mental health and well-being. As such the HHC promotes and encourages self-expression and individuality, without prejudice, bias, or exclusivity. HHC members look out for the creative community, and believe that anyone can find a social space they feel comfortable in and can thrive in.

The HHC believes in balance and finding a place within yourself where you are pushing yourself to work at the best of your ability in all things, where you are comfortable and happy, part of an environment that strengthens self-esteem, confidence, and inner balance and as such, self-reflection and meditation are encouraged by the HHC.

HHC does ask all members to solemnly swear to keep ya head up, maintain and be prosperous (though we live dangerous), and spread love and hip hop always.

HHC Board (2015-2016)

Abdoulaye Sanogo (asanogo18@amherst.edu)
Latrell Broughton (lbroughton19@amherst.edu)

Vice President
Amal Buford 19

Social Chair:
Joshua Cave (jcave19@amherst.edu)

Event Coordinator:
Kali Robinson (krobinson17@amherst.edu)

Simone Brown (sbrown19@amherst.edu)